Are You Like Me?

Are you like me? This quiz basically tells you how much you resemble me and how similar we are in the things we like and the choices we make. Please don't be rude in the comments section.

:D I guess it's time to get started! You probably know how to start—tap the answer that sounds most like you. This quiz isn't 100% accurate, I just got bored and decided to make it.

Created by: Antique_
  1. This is sort of a cringey one, but I really need you to answer this. What's your favorite color?
  2. Do you watch SAD-ist's animations? Dream SMP Animatic, The Fall, etc., etc.
  3. Who is your favorite member of the Dream SMP?
  4. Video games, homework/study, or TV?
  5. Moon, Sun, or Stars?
  6. Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling) or Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan)?
  7. How long do you play games when you get to? (If your exact time isn't included, choose the closest one)
  8. How many friends are in your friend group?
  9. Do you have any disabilities/disorders?
  10. Pick your favorite video game.

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Me?
