Are you like me?

So this is a little quiz i made to see if any of you are like me. i had fun making this and i do not have much more to tell you. so yeah that is it. so i will say random stuff in the following paragraph.

i like Sunkist berry lemonade soda. it tastes really good. i am tired. my feet smell bad. i have pink and black shoes. the shoes smell like my toes. so yeah.

Created by: N/A
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What music do you like?
  4. Do you play an instrument?
  5. If you said "yes" then what instrument do you play?
  6. Do you like to draw?
  7. Are you kind of secretive?
  8. Do you have a pet?
  9. If you said "yes" then what pet is it?
  10. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  11. Are you sometimes crazy?
  12. Do you like rain?
  13. Do you sometimes break the rules to get what you want?
  14. What is your zodiac sign?
  15. And most importantly.....(clears throat) DO YOU LIKE INCREDIBOX?
  16. Bye. See you soon. ash out.

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?
