Are you like maddie or mackenzie ziegler?

Not everome is smart. But everyone has something they are good at. Like some are good at math, dance, singing. Bevause they are unique in there oen little way!

Just keep your head up and fly high. Keep your dreams in your head. Just always remeber to just be you. Dont worry about whay others say. Just be you

Created by: Anonymous
  1. What is your favorite dancer
  2. What is Maddie's moms name
  3. What is Mackenzie's sisters name?
  4. What is there dance teachers name
  5. What is Nia's moms name
  6. What is Mackenzie's fav color?
  7. What is Kendalls moms name
  8. What is maddies and Mackenzie's last name
  9. What is Jojo's mom's name?
  10. What is Chloe's mom's name?

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Quiz topic: Am I like maddie or mackenzie ziegler?