Are You like Katniss From The Hunger Games?

This quiz is to see if you are just like Katniss. Now, I dare you to take this quiz! You will be able to tell your friends, "I am just lke Katniss!"

Do you think you are just like Katniss from the Hunger Games? If so, take this quiz to prove your friends wrong! Every body oves to do that! :) :) :)

Created by: Rick Shaw

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your sister got picked for the Hunger Games, would you...
  2. If Cinna was going to catch you on fire would you...
  3. If Peeta said he loved you would you...
  4. Would you into the woods everyday even if it was illeagel?
  5. Would you team up with Rue?
  6. If Effie Ticket was not from the Capital, would you be friends with her?
  7. How old is Katniss?
  8. If you where Katniss, would you still have nightmares about your fathers death?
  9. EXTRA CEDIT: What color is Glimmer's hair?
  10. What districk is Rue from?

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Quiz topic: Am I like Katniss From The Hunger Games?