Are You Like Chucky or MLP?

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This quiz is to see if you would like to be Chucky or a pony this is recomended for children 10+ ok now sleep with one eye open if you have a Chucky doll in your house.

So are you free today hopefully you are because boy do I have a surprise for you *grabs tounge* now I'm gonna cut your tounge off and kill everyone you love unless you can name who you don't want me to kill right now.

Created by: indiana
  1. Do you like sweet people?
  2. Is Chucky funny
  3. Can you sing the MLP intro?
  4. Are you scared of Chucky?
  5. Do you want someone ded?
  6. Have you witnessed a murder.
  7. Do you like teen titans go or teen titans (I don't care about which one you choose but if you choose teen titans go you're my best bud?
  8. Do you hate humanity?
  9. Have you seen the Chucky meme.
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Chucky or MLP?
