Are you like Annabeth, Grover, or Percy?

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Are you like Annabeth chase, smart and fearless, or maybe Grover, mysterious but loyal, or maybe you might be Percy Jackson, dumb but cute! Take this quiz to find out!

“Hello my Demi’s! My name is Luna and I made this quiz for young demigods like you! This is my first quiz so please be nice! Creds to every one of my friends!” -Luna (me)

Created by: Luna
  1. Where do you like to go?
  2. What’s your favorite color?
  3. Do you have dyslexia or adhd?
  4. What’s your personality?
  5. What is your hobby?
  6. What do you like to do?
  7. Are you enjoying the quiz?
  8. Who do you like?
  9. Who’s your favorite?
  10. What are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I like Annabeth, Grover, or Percy?
