Are you lesbian?

Hello girlies. This quiz is about if you're lesbian or not. Not only lesbian, it shows if you're bi or straight too. Don't be surprised or disappointed if you got something you don't want. It is natural.

This quiz may not be accurate but it can be accurate as well. Idk what am i saying but best of luck. This quiz can be like 60% accurate but if not, then idk what can i do but i am pretty sure it is accurate.

Created by: Rachel bishi
  1. 1. What gender do you usually fantasise the most?
  2. Do you have a crush or a girlfriend or boyfriend?
  3. Why did you took this quiz?
  4. What do you think your results will be?
  5. Do you think love is important?
  6. Life is short so,...(Finish the sentence)
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. Choose a word-
  9. What do you want?
  10. What is your reaction if someone said they are lesbian or gay?
  11. What would you do if your bestie or someone you see as a friend and said she was lesbian and liked you?

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Quiz topic: Am I lesbian?

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