Are You Lame Or Not?

this quiz basically test on how lame you are... sooo... are you a complete lamme chicken.. or a boring old hag?? lets find out.......... :);) :P bla bla bla woooooooopppppp :)

letttss gooooo you big toothed monster from calcutta :) bla bla hahah woop woop :) :) this description is sooo cool init pal ? omg i need more characters :(

Created by: Jordan
  1. Heyy! :)
  2. Coming Out pall?
  3. Who Is Your Best Friend (out of these)
  4. How often do you change your clothes?
  5. What question number is this?
  6. Do your work!!
  7. whats your favourite song?
  8. blaaaahhhh!
  9. qwerty!
  10. hmmm im bored now

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Quiz topic: Am I Lame Or Not?