Are you kind hearted?

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This is a quiz that will help you find out if you are kind hearted! so lets see if you are kind hearted!! i'm exited aren't you! hopefully there are very kind people out there.

it will ask you ten questions hope you're kind!! make sure to answer based off your own self!and if you lie ;-; you must pick the lie on the question.

Created by: Elorabella
  1. If you had to pick between a video game or a crying mom witch would you choose? lets see!
  2. If you found a hurt wolf pup what do you do? hopefully the right thing
  3. Pretend there is a stranger crying about his puppy found dead what do you do
  4. if you found a dead body what do you do to it? lets see...
  5. do you lie or tell the truth a lot of times? heh :b I like doughnuts!
  6. do you rather a small puppy or a iPhone? if you had a life you would pick puppy!
  7. do you think your kind or evil? Like in rl just asking WHAT I'M JUST CURIOUS
  8. do you like helping others? i do! its fun helping others they are so nice.
  9. would you help a little kid find her mom? i obviously would because i'm kind hearted!
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? choose idc if any -_-

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Quiz topic: Am I kind hearted?
