Are You Kind Hearted?

There are many people in the world. People who are kind, people who are very cautious in the decisions they make, people who are very protective. And people who are just plain out NASTY!

So which are you? Kind hearted, Cautious or maybe even a little nasty? This quiz that I've created will help you figure it out. But be careful the answers may surprise you.

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  1. If you saw the person your best friend was going out with talking to someone of the opposite sex would you...
  2. You found something out about a friend that you shouldn't have, do you...
  3. Your find out that your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend has a crush on you. You have liked them for a bout a year but have kept it a secret, you...
  4. Your best friends asks you what their favourite colour is. You've completely forgotten and now you've been put on the spot. Do you...
  5. You want to be in the popular group at school and they say you can but only if you do what they say. Without thinking you agree. They tell you do spread the meanest rumour you have ever heard and about your best friend. You...
  6. You meet your ex at the movies and they ask if you'll sit with them since you are both there by themselves. While in the movie you kiss a few times then when the movie finishes your boyfriend/girlfriend calls do you...
  7. You get the newest mobile phone on the market for your birthday. Do you...
  8. You're at a party and you see one of your friends at a party sitting in the corner with some guys taking drugs. The next day they end up in hospital. Do you...
  9. You're at your friends house and your friend went to get some drinks. You're sitting in her room and you walk around and bump a little figurine off their dresser do you...
  10. You find that your dad is cheating on your mum with her best friend, you...

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Quiz topic: Am I Kind Hearted? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Personal Qualities Quiz category.