Are you Itz Kitty or Galaxy Creeper Girl(in my future movie)

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you basically get a randome number at the end of ur test , if it was 100 or 0 , comment plz ! u will get a result as Itz Kitty Or Galaxy Creeper Girl ( me ) thats all .

also comment who u got ! i really wanna know this ! i'll be waiting at the end of the quiz OwO always be honest with these type of tests OwO now see ya on the flip side !

Created by: Galaxy Creeper Girl
  1. What's ur fav pet ?
  2. What's ur crush's power ??????????????
  3. Why do u like him ( ur crush in my movie ) ??????
  4. if your BFF was kidnaped , what will you do ? ( u have the address to that place )
  5. Will u kiss a girl or a boy !?!
  6. What is ur fav hobby ???????????
  7. Smack, Kiss and Marry, Kill who ? chose : Heartbreak , Earth , A Kitten? ( i'm not putting their real name , but their powers , but the kitten is the kitten :| )
  8. never have i ever took a picture of ur crush/BF
  9. if ur having online class , who do/will u miss the most ?
  10. how many YT channles do u have
  11. what's ur fav emoji ?
  12. kill or save ! Earth and ur self . again , i only use their powers instead of their names :|
  13. what's ur fav colour ?
  14. you've been invited to Love Love Elemental School ! you can wear any outfit on your first day ! what will you wear ?
  15. on a trip to japan ! yay ! what will u wear ?
  16. this is girls only , so the description is gonna be girly ........ or a bit girly :| and this is also girl's private stuff :| do u want to see the results anyways ? ( does not count as score ( this Q ))

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Quiz topic: Am I Itz Kitty or Galaxy Creeper Girl(in my future movie)

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