Are you in the Magic class or the Soldier class? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you in the Magic class or the Soldier class?
Your Result: Magic: White Wizard
You are in the Magic class, and to be spercific, you are a White Wizard! Back in the Mythical days, white wizards were one of the strongest spell casters. They specialised in casting healing, protection and blessing spells. You are in the Magic class!
IceBabe1 -
Magical class and a mage,I do like the mythical creatures and paranormal activity alot. I always found myself very unique and imaginative alot too. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
Necromancer, exactly my area of interest
Semeli1 -
Er...Black Wizard. :P
noble knight
whoo this rocks
love knights
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