Are you in love?

This quiz will help you determine if you are in love with someone if you want to know this quiz will help you. Who knows you might just be a star-crossed lover

Are you a lover? the person of your dreams might just be the one for you this quiz will take some of your free time or just a few minutes of your regular day!

Created by: Marli
  1. Do you feel strongly about someone?
  2. Are you crushing on them?
  3. Does He/Her like you?
  4. How much older/younger are you?
  5. Is He/Her taken?
  6. Is He/Her a siblings friend?
  7. how long have you known Him/Her?
  8. What preference does He/Her have?
  9. Who is His/Her Crush?
  10. How much do you talk to each other?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?