what kind of lover are you?

Many people feel that they are keeping their partner happy in the bedroom and many don't know their a bad lover this will help you understand if you are really a good lover or if you need a little help in that area.

Are you really a good lover?? how do you know? this quiz has 15 questions that can tell you if you are a good lover or if it's just in your mind. What do you have to loose its better to know what your partner is thinking than not to know. right?

Created by: molly of melinda
(your link here more info)

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  1. in the morning what is the first thing you think about?
  2. when your walking with your partner and you see someone of the opposite sex with revealing cloths you...
  3. what gets you in the mood?
  4. how many times have you had sex in the past month?
  5. when you see your partner naked you think....
  6. during the day, how many times do you give your partner a pass?
  7. when you tell your partner their good in bed are you thinking...
  8. what does you like the most?
  9. when your not in the mood you say...
  10. in the past month how many times have to made passionate love
  11. during sex sometimes i wish i was...
  12. whats your favorite position?
  13. how many times in a day do you think about sex?

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Quiz topic: What kind of lover am I?