are you in love?

are you in love? find out here! enter your awnsers to each question and we'll tell you if you are in love or not! dont worry if you dont get the score you were hoping for!

it is easy to fall into the bad habit of love, so we will help you not to! just come on down and give us your awnsers and we will be positive about it!

Created by: erin123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. do you think you are in love?
  2. do you and your fancied one have anything in commen?
  3. is he in your class at school?
  4. do you think him/her 24 7?
  5. would you spend more time with him/her than your friends?
  6. would you take them out for dinner?
  7. would him/her meet your family?
  8. are you madly in love?
  9. do you know their name?
  10. how long would it be between two relationships?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?