Are you hot, pretty, or cute?

Are you hot, pretty, or cute? There are differences between these words. Which one you are can depend on specific features and traits that you have, and how people perceive you.

Neither one of these descriptors is better than the other two. They are all just somewhat different. You make heads turn no matter which one you are, so embrace your result!

Created by: ellon muks
  1. What kind of features do you have?
  2. How do most people describe you?
  3. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  4. What kind of face do you have?
  5. What kind of makeup do you wear?
  6. What are you like, socially?
  7. Favorite snack? Out of the three
  8. Are people intimidated by you?
  9. What is your ideal hangout?
  10. What face shape do you have or are closest to

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Quiz topic: Am I hot, pretty, or cute?
