Sans AU similarities

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Just a small quiz. Don’t expect overly similar traits to the results, it focuses more on the specific mannerisms of a specific AU. Not their outright obvious traits.

Secondly, don’t expect overly accurate results, I made this quickly for fun. It results are also limited. But, if this quiz actually goes anywhere, I might make a more detailed version~[Most art belongs to YoHonne]

Created by: K4D1A
  1. Favorite color? [Basic question, phycological.]
  2. What are friends to you?
  3. How do YOU describe YOURSELF? [Nobody is looking, be honest.]
  4. Someone broke in. They have a knife, they’re under the impression you’ve left.
  5. What listed here appeals to you?
  6. There is dried blood all over the cell. There are manacles holding you in place, and painful weapons stationed just outside of the cell. You hear footsteps.
  7. Your enemy/rival wants to reconcile and be friends. How do you react/respond?
  8. You’re playing a rpg tabletop with your family [DnD, if you will.] Choose an alignment for your character. It WILL affect the direction the story goes.
  9. What is your typing style?
  10. Freebie [If you want it]

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