Are you Hot or ugly

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You are the most AMAZING PERSON that has ever existed, you are an experience of love, fortune,talent and knowledge creature, you have a very open heart, you are the best.

You are the most AMAZING PERSON that has ever existed, you are an experience of love, fortune,talent and knowledge creature, you have a very open heart, you are the best. NO MATTER BLACK OR WHITE

Created by: Freshi8

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What hair colour do you have?
  2. What colour is your skin
  3. What stereotype is used on you
  4. Do you love yourself?
  5. What colour palette is your favourite
  6. What's your sexuallity
  7. Favourite Ice cream flavour *or the one you prefer*
  8. Do you feel pretty/ handsome
  9. Are you pretty/handsome
  10. I hope you had fun!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I Hot or ugly