Are you hello kitty, my melody or kuromi?

This quiz will help you know if you are similar to hello kitty, my melody or kuromi from supercute adventures! Or maybe a bit of all or none of them. Enjoy!

You have to answer the questions bellow to see which sanrio girl matches your favourite things and style. Also don't be upset if you don't match with your favourite one!

Created by: Alexandra Constantin
  1. What is your favourite color?
  2. What are your hobbies?
  3. What is your favourite dessert?
  4. What is your style?
  5. Who is your favorite sanrio boy?
  6. What is your favourite place to visit?
  7. What is your pet?
  8. What fruits do you like the most?
  9. What kind of pink do you like?
  10. How to you deal with negative emotions?

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Quiz topic: Am I hello kitty, my melody or kuromi?
