Are you good with computers?

There are people who think they are computer geniuses but not quite there yet, so here you will find out if you are a true computer genius or not a computer genius

By taking the following quiz you will know for certain weather you truly are a computer genius or not, the next 14 questions will decide weather you are or not, good luck

Created by: anonymous

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What american technology company has the name of a fruit?
  2. What do you do when you get a virus?
  3. What does CPU stand for?
  4. A hard drive does what?
  5. What OS are you using?
  6. How many megabytes (MBs) make up a gigabyte (GB)?
  7. Can you write more than once to a CD-R?
  8. If you was building a computer, where does the CPU go?
  9. What is the maximum transfer speed of USB 2.0?
  10. How many pins does an i3, i5 and i7 processor have?
  11. What loads first when you turn on the computer?
  12. What port can output HD video WITH sound?

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Quiz topic: Am I good with computers?