Do you know your computers?

Computers are very complicated. Sometimes I get so angry with them that I'd rather smash them up and throw them out of the window! Come and see if you can do any better.

I hate computers at times. But maybe you are the solution to the issues I have with them. Can you help me? Email me at [no emails] - and give me some advice!

Created by: Lucy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does RAM stand for?
  2. Who was the founder of Microsoft?
  3. What should you do if you want to keep your work safe on your PC?
  4. The computer is running slow. What's the best way to deal with this?
  5. How can you deal with pop-ups?
  6. What does the "e" stand for in e-mail?
  7. Which program is the best to use for graphs and tables?
  8. Which letters feature on the second row of a keyboard?
  9. Which program is NOT free?
  10. What is the Recycle Bin for?
  11. What is Quarantine for?
  12. The computer has crashed. How should you react?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my computers?