Are you good or bad?

Would you like to see if you are good or bad? maybe u r both? who knows? you'll find out at the ending results of this quiz. I hope you have fun!!!!!!!!!

OFF YA GO NOW !!!!!! SEE YA AT THE END!!!! Remember, being u is awesome. thats all i gotta say but it makes u have atleast 150 letters and spaces in this paragraph. bye!

Created by: Amira
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if someone put their hands on you
  2. Do you perfer to be a savage
  3. What shoes do you wear
  4. what do yur friends think u r
  5. Do you curse
  6. Okay. If your friend talked behind ur back, what would you do
  7. What would you rather date
  8. What do you sah when you hit your toe on a wall
  9. How do you treat your parents
  10. What do u think u r

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Quiz topic: Am I good or bad?