How well do you know me?

There are many Jon's in the world, but I want you to find out if you know me. I mean I think that you all should know me pretty good, I mean why wouldnt you.

See how good you do. I hope its good, when you are done just post your results at the bottom of the blog so I can see what you got, and be honest Im not going to be mad if you scored low.

Created by: Jon
  1. What is my full name?
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. Who is my girlfriend?
  4. What kind of car do I drive?
  5. Who are my brothers?
  6. Who is my best friend
  7. Where do I work?
  8. Who are my parents?
  9. Where do I go to college?
  10. What do I love most in the world?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?