Are you good? or are you evil?

Quiz Image

many people are called evil or good. but those are just labels. this will calculate how good or evil you really are, along with showing whether you're optimistic or pessimistic.

it also comes with anime pics!!! how cool is that?! so be sure to post your result on your profile/webpage. okay? okay. so.... bye for now!!! see you at the end of the quiz!!!!!

Created by: RedRidingHood

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. hello.
  2. what do you do if you see someone being bullied?
  4. HIPPO.
  5. what type of animal are you?
  6. i hate you.
  7. favorite color?
  8. what happens when you approach someone?
  9. Do you think this was a waste of time?
  10. how did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I good? or am I evil?