There are many types of people in the world. Three of these types are evil, good, and just plain in between. of course, the goal SHOULD be to be GOOD, but it isn't always for everyone.

ARE YOU GOOD OR EVIL?? Take this quiz, it will help you to find out where YOU stand on the good/evil scale!! You will without doubt find this quiz fun and instructional

Created by: someperson
  1. What is your moto in life?
  2. What are you most likely to be arrested for?
  3. HAVE you ever been arrested?
  4. What is your favourite colour?
  5. What career would you want most?
  6. Whats the best thing in the entire world? that sounds stupid but you're taking a good vs evil quiz c'mon!
  7. On a cold snowy day, you have to walk 5 blocks to the convenience store to get milk. As you walk, you are:
  8. In a word what are you?
  9. which cullen are you most like [if you do not know take Which Cullen Are Who? sorry for typo :(] ?
  10. would you consider yourself evil, good, or in between?

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Quiz topic: Am I GOOD OR EVIL