Are you good looking?

Do you want to know if your good looking or not. than go to my quiz. it will tell you if your hot(good looking) or not. So go to my quiz and you will find out if your good looking or not.

My quiz has 12 questions and some of the questions are stupid. but the other questions are serious. Please do not guess on my quiz it wont give you the right results. Take my quiz!

Created by: Nicholas Tellier
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you Good Looking?
  2. Do you have big round Glasses?
  3. Does it seem that girls always like you?
  4. What kind of shirt do you like
  5. Do you have abs
  6. do you work out
  7. What kind of hair do you like
  8. Do you like anyone
  9. Do you think this quiz is stupid
  10. What do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Am I good looking?