Are You Good Evil Or In-between

This is my first quiz so please dont point at flaws. I am not very good at it, and DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT putting an angry face on the rating status.

This quiz tests your stupidity, holiness, or satism. You will be tested to see if youre evil, not evil, or stupid enough not to care. So have fun and be honest!

Created by: Kitty
  1. If you were to pick God, living life in heaven, or having sex with Satan in Hell, which would you
  2. If you saw a person bleeding, on the street, and hungry, what would you do?
  3. Do you lie
  4. Are you mean
  5. Why am I bored
  6. Why are butterflys blue
  7. Uuuuuuugggghhhhh
  8. Pick a letter
  9. Hello
  10. Whats up
  11. Whats down

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Quiz topic: Am I Good Evil Or In-between
