Are you good at dating?

Only seven questions to figure out if you are sexy, smart, and good at dating. dmnfdsfdjdjkfjdsjfkldsjfkdsjfkldsjkfljdslkfjsdkljfkldsjfkdsjfkldsjfkdjslkfjdskfjkdlsjfkldsjfklsdjflksdjglkfdsjgkfhgfdjgkldfjgfdhgkjdfhkjghdfkjghdkfgd

Some random stuff. sjdfjkdjfksdjfklsdjfkljsdkfjsdkljfklsdjfkldsjfklsdjfkldsjfklsdjfklsdjlfkjdslkfjsdlkfjdslkjfldskjflksdjflksdjfkldsjfkldsjfkldsjfkdsjfklsdjkfljdsklfjdsklfjdsklfjldkjflkdsjflksdjfklsdjfklsdjfkldjfklsdjfklsdjfklsdjklfjsdfdsfsdfdsfdsfdsfdfdsfdsf

Created by: Landon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you perverted?
  2. Do you know if someone likes you?
  3. Have you had a relationship before?
  4. I like someone, but I am scared to ask them out.
  5. I like someone of the same sex, and I am nice to them, trying to impress them.
  6. How many people have you liked?
  7. Are you athletic?
  8. Random question.
  9. Random question
  10. Random question

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Quiz topic: Am I good at dating?