Are you gay/ Lesbian ETC.

MY quiz is about if you are questioning whether you are gay or not..ouhfoadjfhsd;fheueisdfasdfljhdsfpouerh ;a dsdlkfj asdlkfjasd;fu iepadsfpie pkashdf pepiia

I might be wrong so do not come after me if you did not get the answer you wanted....asd;ojfhasd; ofoef asdofasldfhosdufhelf aosdfpehi asdlfjhasd;f aoefasldjfh eo;f aspdf.........

Created by: Alec
  1. Have you ever had a crush on the same gender?
  2. Have you ever dreamed of being with the same gender?
  3. Have you ever had a relationship with the opposite gender?
  4. Have you ever gotten jealous with the opposite starts to flirt with the same gander as you?
  5. Have you ever questioned your sexual orientation? (If your gay)
  6. Are you ok?
  7. The rest of the questions for not count for your score
  8. .
  9. .
  10. .

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Quiz topic: Am I gay/ Lesbian ETC.
