Are You GAE??!!! (joke)

this quiz is mostly to joke around oifeaidfsjiodfsijosdjiofdsjiodsijofds fdsiofdsjfdoijfdsfdoi jfdsjo ofdsjoiifoijfdsoijfdsio fddioj fdsoijifsdoifdoijfdsjoifdsoij fdso ijfd fdjifdiojfdioj

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Created by: Lucky_Jasper
  1. are you a male?
  2. if you are not a male, then leave! I'll make a quiz for lesbians.
  3. Im gonna keep on dancing at the ____
  4. Skirts?
  5. would you rather wear pink or wear a leather jacket that says MURRICA
  6. Pink or blue?
  7. would you ever go to a drag show?
  8. would you ever participate in a drag show?
  9. its ok, drag shows aren't for everyone if you picked no. do you feel gay?
  10. alright, have a good day, ok? hydrate. eat some food, take a walk.

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Quiz topic: Am I GAE??!!! (joke)

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