Mlp quiz do you know mlp

This is just the first part so like part 1 of the brony quiz get a 100% you may graduate they are pretty easy questions that if you watch mlp or my little pony you will know the answers

I'll be surprised if anyone got a 0% that watches the show I mean there might be like a person who will do my quiz as a joke but if you watch and/or like my little pony you will get most of them right

Created by: Mlp master.z
  1. What is mlp or my little pony
  2. In the first episode which pony did twillight meet first???
  3. In the 2 new movies are they...
  4. How many seasons are there right now
  5. What are pinkies powers called ???
  6. What is the name of the newest villains in rainbow rocks
  7. Would you say discord is good or bad???
  8. What is a pony called if she/he had a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings???
  9. What is raritys pet name???
  10. Where did Apple jack go to see her aunt orange and uncle orange when she was a filly???

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Quiz topic: Mlp quiz do I know mlp