Are you funny/silly?

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Hello hi this quiz will decide if you are funny or not :) keep in mind that this quiz is not 100% accurate!so just uh yeah hopefully you enjoy my quiz

Also watch the yt channel YOURLOCALBREADMANZ and here you go :usjdjdjscjjdcj)djdkdjcftfugyggubhuibjbuhbiuhbguigtyguybighvgybugguuygUguygugbgyvBhubuhbN

Created by: TeaTime
  1. How often do you make jokes?
  2. In the school yearbook are you voted class clown?
  3. Do people say your funny,silly,stupid,etc often?
  4. Do you think your popular?
  5. Do you have a lot of friends?
  6. Do all your classmates like you?
  7. Would you like to get better at making friends?
  8. Are you confident in yourself?
  9. Will you share,comment and rate?
  10. Bye! Have a good day!

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Quiz topic: Am I funny/silly?

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