Are you fat? quiz

This quiz is made to help what to do with yourself, do not take it very seriously and take it as a cure from theinternet.Done:2022-02-11 This is not to challenge anyone !!!

Ten texts are written as many as you want to write, there are random words that popped into my head, it's not necessary and I don't know if you're still reading it, if it's that without a b----.

Created by: Aleksander
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. How do you think you are?
  4. What's your belly like?
  5. did they ever call you fat?
  6. When you are standing and tilting your head down, what do you see?
  7. How much you weigh?
  8. How are you active?
  9. You are on a diet?
  10. Have you ever been fat?

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