Are You Extremly Fat? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Extremly Fat?
: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Swws1 -
: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Sws20251 -
Your Result: Obese
100%Woah what do you eat, lard? You are toally overweight. You've been stufing your face with nothing but junk and it's going somewhere. You need to lose weight or else you'll end up breaking the record for the world's fattest man/woman.
Sws20251 -
Your Result: You Are A Chubby Wubby 84%
Your not exactly thin but your not fat either. Your somewhere in the middle. If you want to lose that bit of extra chub than lay off the burgers and fries for a while and try going to the gym. I gurantee you'll be thin in no yime.
level of fat are you?
Your Result: Obese 98%OMG! What do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not sure if anything you do will make you thinner!
93% Fatty
71% Chubby
64% Getting There 0%Sws20251 -
I'm fat solo yea
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