Are you EPIC? or NOT?

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Are you an epic person? Or a lame person?. This will waste like 10-20 seconds of your day. But it's worth it... I think idrk dodjjewjs???????????????????

YOINKK. EPIC> YAS QUEENENENEN< IM having a stroke..........................?????/????????/?????? Hi baby gargoyle. IM mr.clean;)))))))))))))))))))))))

Created by: kuromi
  1. What would you want to do on a long break?
  2. If you could buy anything in the world, what would you buy?
  3. If you could throw anything at the wall when you get mad, what would you throw?
  4. Do you ruin children's childhoods?
  5. what's your favorite school subject?
  6. What's your favorite game?
  7. Do you you when you scrunkly the when is who is when scrunkly the is when is skrunkly?
  8. What's your favorite app to watch/text on
  9. Just answer yes or no. I'm running out of ideas.
  10. How would you describe yourself?

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Quiz topic: Am I EPIC? or NOT?
