The Horse Quiz!!

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Hi there, yes you, you, the one reading this. I think your epic! Because your taking my quiz! To be honest, i'm in school right now and i'm supposed to be working on a writing piece but instead i'm writing to you. So your lucky :)

Are you a smart person? Are you a dumb person? Probably neither, but i don't know. This is a quiz about horses, and it will tell you what you know about horses. Good Luck :)

Created by: Person

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What breed normally races?
  2. Pick your favorite
  3. Which is a baby horse?
  4. Which is when a horse can still produce more horses, or foals?
  5. How can you tell a horses age by not using their medical records?
  6. What breed can run a quarter mile faster then any other horse? (usually)
  7. What is the horse breed that the riders do not ride the horses and ride in carts behind the horse at fast paces?
  8. What breed below is a draft?
  9. What horse breed below has its ears curved inwards naturally?
  10. What is a dorsal stripe on a horse?

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