Are You Emo???

Sometimes people get bored and don'T have anything to do. So that'S probably why your reading this now. Taking an emo quiz is fun and amusing. You can allways find amusment in all emo quizzes. That'S what I so!!

Are you really emo? A little or just not emo at all? This emo quiz can help you figure that out. Have fun and answer honestly! Are you emo enough to be an emo??? Sometimes that's not a good thing but who cares???

Created by: Brittney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you cry a lot?
  2. Wht are your fav. Colors?
  3. Wht kind of music do U listen to?
  4. How maney freinds do U have?
  5. R U cool
  6. Purple or pink
  7. Do U take emo quizzes a lot?
  8. Do U cut or cause other damage to yourself?
  9. Haha! I just need to use space.
  10. Wht do U think of love?

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Quiz topic: Am I Emo???