Are you Eminem's biggest fan?

Do you love Eminem? Hes a great rapper.......... test your knowledge now! good luck:) Eminem is a well known person but can you surpass common knowledge? Take this quiz now to find out!

Are you Eminem's biggest fan? Many people belive they are but until now you could prove the truth. Print out your results and brag to your friends that you know alot about Eminem!

Created by: EminemsGirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is Eminem's real name?
  2. what was Eminem's first album?
  3. Whens Eminem's birthday?
  4. On April 11, 2006, which one of eminem's best friends was killed?
  5. What was Eminem's first number one song?
  6. what is the name of the movie based on eminem's life?
  7. who discovered Eminem?
  9. How many times did Eminem fall 9th grade before dropping out?
  10. How tall is Eminem?

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Quiz topic: Am I Eminem's biggest fan?