Are you dumb or clever?

There are alot of clever people in this world. And there is also alot of dumb people in the world. there are also people who are in the middle. the most clever person in the world is Einstein

Are you clever or dumb? Are you smarter than Einstein? Are you dumber than the most dumb person in the world? Take this quiz to find out if you are dumb or clever.

Created by: not telling

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the biggest country in the world?
  2. What is our star called?
  3. What is the longest river in the world?
  4. Who is Bill Gates?
  5. What question is this?
  6. Am i dumb?
  7. Who made Minecraft?
  8. Do i like Minecraft?
  9. What is ROBLOX?
  10. Who is PewDiePie?

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Quiz topic: Am I dumb or clever?