Are you depressed or just having a fit

I am a very depressed person, I am emo and very alone. I am bullied but my patents love me, which I am grateful for. So at first I was confused about depression. I don't want you to be, so this is why I created this quiz.

Are you depressed, confused, bitter, lost, etc. So this quiz will help you. I hope at least. So think each question through and through. Don't lie at all. No one will see this except you, unless you want others to know.

Created by: Teresa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you feel mostly right now
  2. Do you want to die
  3. Do you like yourself
  4. Do you cry a lot
  5. Do you get bullied
  6. Do you have a gf/bf or marriage
  7. What do you fear
  8. Do you love anyone that way?
  9. Do you think you are depressed?
  10. Why did you take this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed or just having a fit