are you depressed?

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hello. This quiz is not a diagnostic quiz, nor is it made by professionals, it is just to give you some clues and point you in the right direction. This is for informative purposes only.

This is to help you have a better understanding of your mental health, NOT TO DIOGNOSE! I am leaving that job to licensed professionals. If you believe you have depression, please seek help.

Created by: Oiglet
  1. how long have you been feeling Constant sadness
  2. do you feel empty?
  3. have you lost interest in most of the things that make you happy?
  4. do you feel more stressed at times when there is nothing to be worried about?
  5. have you experienced a large loss of energy, getting enough sleep but not feeling rested?
  6. have you had thoughts of/or have self-harmed?
  7. have you had suicidal thoughts?
  8. on a scale from 1-6, 6 being the highest, and 1 being the lowest, how much stress and pressure is in your life right now?
  9. have you isolated yourself more / wanted to be alone.
  10. is your sleep pattern out of whack?
  11. do you find it harder than ever to get out of bed?
  12. do you find yourself faking a good mood for others?

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed?
