Are you crazy/weird/like me?

Many people wonder if they are crazy or weird. Some people judge and call people crazy or weird. This quiz will judge you stereotypically if you are weird or crazy. Or even like me. No matter the results, try and stay true to yourself but try and listen to advice given, if there is any!

After only 12 questions, you will see if you qualify as a stereotype weird or crazy person. Or like me. Keep in mind, the first two questions don't count unless you are like me! (A girl and 13!) Now, find out if you follow stereotypes!

Created by: esactressisafangirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could change your eye color, what would it be?
  2. You see your best friend/bud at the mall in the food court. What do you say/do?
  3. When you and your best friend get seperated because of different colleges, what do you do?
  4. Are you a fan girl/boy?
  5. Would you dissect a cat?
  6. Do you like eating meat off the bone?
  7. Which is better?
  8. Which one is the best?
  9. Almost done.
  10. Last question. What is you favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy/weird/like me?