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Are YOU a COSHA, JINGLES, OR BURGER FAN? Come and take this quiz to find out which type of kitty you are! (Courtesy of the discord server TEOS from Jijimations on YouTube go check him out)

Are YOU a COSHA, JINGLES, OR BURGER FAN? Come and take this quiz to find out which type of kitty you are!!(Courtesy of the discord server TEOS from Jijimations on YouTube go check him out)

Created by: KalelTonatiuh
  1. Do you like to watch people from afar?
  2. Can you eat by yourself?
  3. Do you like to watch people from afar?
  4. How would you describe your sleep schedule?
  5. Do people call you distant?
  6. Do people call you cute and/or pretty?
  7. What's your opinion on bugs?
  8. Do you find yourself sitting in places like balconies?
  9. Do you play video games (including board games and others)?
  10. Do you like to hide in unconventional places (under beds, under desks, etc..)

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Quiz topic: Am I COSHA or JINGLES