Are you cool? Take this quiz to find out

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Youre coolllllllllllllllll cool is what Youre wow sorry this sucks bro. Ok I’m just gonna rant so I meet the requirements so ya but I don’t even know what I’m doing and oh look I’m done now

Haha kk I need to finish this other paragraph but yeah just don’t worry about your awesome self :) shhhh I DIDNT even try my point is just that ur awesome

Created by: Urmom
  1. Are you cool, awesome, amazing, beautiful/handsome, and a great person?
  2. M
  3. M
  4. M
  5. M
  6. M
  7. M
  8. Y
  9. Wow
  10. You made it this far

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Quiz topic: Am I cool? Take this quiz to find out

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