Are you cool or are you lame?

there are many cool people in the planet.yet there are alot of lame people at the same time.what is cool you me cool is someone who is popular or someone who isfunny.being cool is just a trait,at the same time,so is being lame!

can you be cool,or are you gonna be stuck with the lame you think you are cool enough to acually be cool?well lets find out after you take the quiz!

Created by: Jc Marrero
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you were baggy pants?
  2. Are you popular?
  3. answer this question
  4. Do you like to study?
  5. Are you mad right now?
  6. Are you dating?
  7. Do you do your homework?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. Are you having fun?
  10. Are you bored?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool or am I lame?