are you cool

If you want to know if your cool play my quiz it is very fun to see your results and read the cute little messages that come with it the quiz is about party's friends much more come play

Are you cool you will never know until you play my quiz if you like my test tell your friends it very fun you should give my quiz a try because you might be cool or not a

Created by: sunkiss

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you where
  2. How many friends do you have
  3. Are you funny ?
  4. Do you get good grades
  5. Are you loud?
  6. Do you make a big seen in class
  7. Do you have a phone / social media stuff
  8. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
  9. Do you go to party's (tell the truth I don't go to party's )
  10. What matters to you the most ?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool