Are you Coco Quinn or Sicily Rose?

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Hi im a youtuber cocoquinn dreamπŸ’–,i do tiktoks of celebrities e.g coco quinn,sicily rose,pressley hosbach,indi star!I made a fun little quiz of who you are more like:CocoQuinn or Sicily Rose!!! there are only simple questions so very easy! Answer truthly or answers will not be accerate!I hope you enjoy my quiz and leave a comment on who you got!

Also if you like this quiz go share it with your friends or family and go and subscribe to my channel on youtube!!!love you all and enjoy!!!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–!!!

Created by: Anna
  1. How long is your hair?
  2. Are you carefree or not carefree?
  3. What colour are your eyes?
  4. Do you prefer comfy or dressy?
  5. How tall are you?
  6. Dresses or Joggers?
  7. How many siblings do you have?
  8. What is your dream vacation?
  9. Whats your favourite animal?
  10. When is your birthday?

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Quiz topic: Am I Coco Quinn or Sicily Rose?
