Are you butch or femme?

In the lesbian world, you may hear the terms “femme” and “butch” being thrown around a lot. A “femme” typically refers to a lesbian with a more feminine gender expression, while butches are the complete opposite.

Are you a butch or a femme? Simply answer the questions below to find out. Remember: this quiz is really just for fun, so if you feel the answer you got is inaccurate, that’s totally cool!

Created by: TiredGrayWolf
  1. What do you prefer to wear in your everyday life?
  2. What’s your hair length?
  3. How often do you wear makeup?
  4. Do you ever get mistaken for a man?
  5. Do you prefer to be more submissive or dominant in your relationships?
  6. Your voice sounds...
  7. What would you rather wear to your wedding?
  8. Do you wear perfume or cologne?
  9. How would others view you?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I butch or femme?
