(Gay girls) Are you a stud, femme or stem?

hi, i am kayla. ive made a few quizzes before, but i make them all the time just for fun, so i dont expect this quiz will go anywhere, but if you are playing, i hope you enjoy.

ive tried to make the results as accurate as possible, and again this was just made for fun, so if you are somehow offended by your result, im sorry for that

Created by: Kayla
  1. Firstly, hello my dudes :)
  2. This doesnt affect your overall quiz score, im just curious, which of these apply to you best?
  3. Do you like makeup?
  4. What would you / did you wear to prom?
  5. How do you wear your hair?
  6. What shoes do you wear
  7. What music artist?
  8. What is your typical outfit
  9. What do / did you have for a bag at school
  10. who is your celebrity crush?
  11. Whats the majority of you friend group?
  12. After those questions, do you still think you are what you chose in the first question?

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Quiz topic: (Gay girls) am I a stud, femme or stem?
