Are You Big Brain??

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Are you a big brain? a nerd, a studios human being? Are you destined to teach? Are you the teachers favorite? use this information to take this quiz and find out!!!

Please give me a 5/5 and help boost my ratings!!! PLEASE NOTE: This quiz is not meant in any rude,to shame or in a mean way. just as a fun quiz. (You might have all A's and get a 10% on this quiz. ITS OKAY)

Created by: QuizWhiz
  1. Your average grade
  2. IQ??
  3. Do you read?
  4. Do you play Sports?
  5. How many freinds do you have.
  6. Are you a good reader?
  7. Do you want to be a teacher or professor when you grow up? Or does anyone in you family have that job?
  8. Do people think your smart??
  9. Majority of teachers like you??
  10. Do you like writing?

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Quiz topic: Am I Big Brain??
